Eqivia AB

+46 (0)708 - 777 698

I´m Extra EB 1509

”A very charming stallion from one of the best breeds in Holsteiner. He has a fantastic personage, ridefullness and scope”
— Rolf-Göran Bengtsson

Let I´m Extra become a part of your family today!

Do you want your mare to be bred by a modern stallion, in both sport and temperament? Anmäl intresse nu!

Stallion information

Born: 2020

Stationed: Borebackar gård, Lövsta stuteri

Height: 164 cm (HOLSTEIN) / 160 cm (SWB)

Owner: Eqivia AB

Breeder: Evi Bengtsson

WFFS: Not affected

Sperm availability: Fresh and frozen

Short about the stallion: A Holsteiner-premierad, exceptionell son by I´m Special de Muze, with several 1,60-horses in the moderline. 

Prices 2024

Booking fee: 3500 sek

Pregnancy fee: 5500 sek

VAT not added. Transport cost not included. The price might be changed due to unforseen events.

Transport costs

Fresh sperm by car 950 SEK + VAT

Fresh sperm by plane 1300 SEK + VAT

Frozen sperm by car 2700 SEK + VAT

Frozen sperm by plane : contact us for pricing.


The mother Elika has started 1,45 jumping with Rolf-Göran Bengtsson and are still actively competing in shows. The grandmother Milka, has left many 1,60-horses and aproved stallions. Elika is the full sister to Kuschel´s Ulika and the approved stalltion Culture II, both who went 1,60 jumping. Further are I´m Extras grandmother none other than the extra ordinary Exquis Walnut de Muze (1,60 jumping).


I´m Special de Muze doesn't need an introduction. He performed exceptionally, and has  Han presterade exceptionellt, and has several offsprings whom are competing at the 1,60-level, with even more knocking on the door.

I'm Extra EB is approved in SWB, Holstein and Oldenburg.


I'm Extra EB is approved in his german test with 8,8 in jumping respectively 8,5 in total. He is raised and trained by Stal Bengtsson in Itzehoe, Germany. I´m Extra EB has a marvelous capacity in jumping and a big gallop.

He is well ridden with three gaits, which makes him interesting for eventing breeders.





Usage test in Holstein, Elmshorn, free jumping: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4owOLcREe4 

Stallion show in Flyinge 2024:

Usage test in Holstein, Elmshorn, ridden jumping: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeUonCqSCGc 

I´m Extra EB - whom is he for?

I´m Extra EB is a good match for ladies who wants to add scope, big gallop, carefullness and an almost unmatched temperamtent for a stallion.

With his neat size he brings both agility and speed.

With him having three good gaits, makes him interesting for eventing breeders aswell.


Maria S.
Fantastiskt stuteri med toppklassiga tjänster. Rekommenderas varmt!
Erik J.
Professionell och pålitlig service hela vägen. Grymt nöjd med resultatet!
Anna P.
Ett stuteri utöver det vanliga. Min upplevelse var otrolig!

Contact us

Do you have any questions or has an interest in breeding your mare with I´m Extra EB? Dont hesitate to contact us by phone or by e-mail.

Rapsvägen 2, 247 34 Södra Sandby, Sweden

+46 (0)708 - 777 698


Sun: Closed, Mon-Fri: 8 am-6 pm, Sat: 10 am-4 pm

Frequently asked questions

How can I breed my mare with I´m Extra EB?

Contact us to make a declaration of interest and to get more information.

Is I´m Extra EB available for breeding during the 2024 season?

Yes, I´m Extra EB are available at Lövsta stuteri during the 2024 season.

Where is I´m Extra stationed?

At Borebackar gård in Torna-Hällestad.

At what number can I reach you?

You can call us at +46 (0)708 - 777 698.

How do I contact you by e-mail?

Send your e-mail to stuteri@eqivia.se, we will get back to you shrotly.

Do you have more stallions available for breeding?

Currently only  I´m Extra EB is available at Lövsta stuteri. Contact us for updates on upcoming stallions.

Do you want a first class stallion for your mare?

Contact us now through the button below. I´m Extra EB is an amazing individual, both in the field as in the paddock!